Robotic hair transplant is a new hair restoration fashion that has lately been introduced in the UAE. It's a completely automated hair transplantation fashion in which both graft harvesting and transplantation are carried out with the help of a computer-operated robot.
An especially designed ARTAS system is used for performing robot-guided hair restoration surgery. This system is comprised of three corridor, a robotic arm, a videotape imaging system, and a computer stoner interface. The system can be used for graft birth as well as point creation.
When using the ARTAS system for graft birth, it's programmed by the surgeon about the size and length of the grafts to be uprooted. The robot also harvests grafts using an advanced optic guidance system. also, when used for point creation, the surgeon feeds information about angle of hair elevation, hair direction, point depth, average viscosity, and the total number of philanthropist point lacerations. The robot executes the plan with 100 perfections and at a speed unattainable with a mortal hand.
Like any other procedure, robot-guided transplantation also has its own advantages and disadvantages. Then we will partake with you Robotic Hair Transplant in Dubai pros and cos. It'll help you to decide if Robotic Transplant is worth concluding for.
Graft harvesting at a fast pace
The robot-guided system allows graft harvesting at a speed and delicacy that's nearly insolvable to achieve with a simple FUE Transplant.
The advanced graft survival rate
Using robot for graft harvesting and colony significantly decreases the graft damage rate. This allows for the maximum number of grafts to survive and grow hair.
Loftiest position of perfection
Since image-guided technology is used for graft harvesting and point creation, this allows for bitsy perfection and delicacy.
optic guidance system
The system uses optic guidance system to detect and prize follicular units. This allows for gathering the stylish possible follicles from the reverse and sides of the crown