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Follicular Unit birth( FUE Hair Transplant)

Follicular Unit birth, also known as FUE Hair Transplant, is a labor- ferocious hair transplantation procedure that leaves no apparent scar, therefore allowing a case to wear their hair veritably short. In traditional follicular unit hair transplantations( FUT), a direct scar is always visible in the area where the hair isremoved.However, the scar may be visible, If the case latterly decided to shave their head. With FUEs, this isn't the case since every follicular unit is collectively uprooted leaving the patron area nearlyscar-less. The trade off, still, is that the procedure takes much further time and generally involves smaller hairs successfully scattered at a advanced cost.

The Donor Area and Scar conformation

In FUT or “ strip harvesting ”, a direct scar is produced. This type of scarring can be a significant concern for cases who wish to wear their hair veritably short. Although a vast maturity of cases who suffer FUT or “ strip harvesting ” have minimum scars that are fluently concealed by the hair above the scar and aren't apparent, there are numerous cases wherein some cases who have scars that have widened, or have several scars from multiple procedures. similar egregious scarring may be due to damage to follicles along the gash line during harvesting rather than true scarring. nonetheless, it's still a concern for some cases.

FUE Donor incontinently Post Operation and 8 Days after Post operation

Minimizing Scar conformation

Judicious planning on the part of the surgeon IN Scarless Hair Transplant in Dubai plays a large part in dwindling the problems associated with strip scars. By limiting the range of the strip to be taken and avoiding pressure on the crack, the surgeon can minimize the patron scar altogether. To avoid multiple scars numerous croakers who use strip harvesting employ a single scar fashion, indeed if multiple procedures are performed. By exercising careful analysis along the gash line, damage to hair follicles can be lowered.

There are cases similar as those with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome who, because of differences in collagen deposit, are prone to widened scars and poor crack mending. There's little that can be done to help similar scars in these cases. The indirect scars produced by FUE may suffer the same fate and be stretched in these cases.

Trychophytic system

The use of the trichophytic system of check in strip harvesting can also be extremely helpful in perfecting the appearance of the strip crop scar. As noted over, closing under minimum or no pressure can help to avoid the widening of a scar. This allows hair to disguise the scar and the hair growing through the scar can limit the stretching. Avoiding damage to the hair follicles along the gash lines is pivotal in precluding a conspicuous appearance of a scar.

FUEvs. FUT( Strip Harvesting)


The primary explanation for the use of FUE is that a direct scar is avoided. Several proponents of FUE request the procedure as a fashion that doesn't involve slice, is less invasive, and doesn't affect in scars. While a direct scar isn't created with FUE, indirect scars are created, substantiated by virtue of the fact that hypopigmented or hyperpigmented “ blotches ” may be visible when the hair is cut veritably short. These “ blotches ” may be a scar response or factual post seditious color changes, particularly in darker barked individualities. Also the mortal eye may pick up “ spaces ” where follicular units are missing in the normal pattern.

Length of Gash

The length of gash is lesser with FUE than with strip harvesting. This is apparent when one calculates the circumference of a 1 mm punch( 1 mm x pi = 3.14) and also multiplies this by the number of grafts, for case, 1000 grafts( 1000 ×3.14 = 3140 mm which equals31.4 cm). In comparison, a strip crop of 1000 grafts assuming an average viscosity of 80 FUs per sq cm and a 1 cm strip range the length of the scar created would be12.5 cm(1000/80 = 12.5).

Depth of Gash

The depth of the lacerations with FUE are generally shallower as compared to strip harvesting. The punch depth is to the position of the fat or at the fat- dermis junction. With strip harvesting the depth of gash is into the fat. Some croakers cut to the deeper fat or just above the fascia.

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